Summer 2012
KEVIN COOPER explores the debilitating impact of toxic shame and suggests ways to identify and heal from this painful emotion.
SHOSHONA PASCOE shares her appreciation for the book QUIET: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking.
MILTON WOOLLEY suggests ways to minimize conflict and deepen conversations when a couple is dealing with sensitive topics.
SHONNIE BROWN discusses the challenge of learning to tolerate one's feelings and suggests some tools that may be helpful in this work.
BARBARA BOWEN describes how learning to balance the needs of self and others can improve relationships and enhance personal growth.
Winter 2011
GUDRUN ZOMERLAND uses the fairytale Rapunzel to describe the particular struggle of a daughter, growing up with a closet narcissist mother; a mother who both emotionally abandons and imprisons her daughter at the same time.
SHOSHONA PASCOE writes of the Via Negativa, a phrase that describes how when we say no thank you in life to certain opportunities that don't feel quite right, other choices arise that may encourage a more complete and soulful life experience.
SHONNIE BROWN, in Part 2 of "Uncovering Trauma Through Therapeutic Writing", continues a discussion of the treatment of trauma through writing. She also offers tips for modulating the emotional response when revisiting trauma with older adult clients in particular.
Fall 2010
GUNDRUN ZOMERLAND uses language to further explore the impact of trauma.
MILTON WOOLLEY shares some thoughts about Compassion Fatigue, a topic not often discussed but of importance for anyone offering care to others' suffering.
SHONNIE BROWN discusses the relationship between writing and psychotherapy as well as various writing practices used for physical, spiritual and psychological healing and growth.
SHOSHONA PASCOE writes about Anxiety and relates a story about baby turtles in their dash to the sea.
Summer 2010
SHONNIE BROWN writes about the power and relevancy of a support group for women going through separation or the break-up of a long term relationship.
GUNDRUN ZOMERLAND is providing a list of web links to addiction self assessment tests for various substance and process addictions. She is also referring parents who are interested in the phenomenon of "Pill Parties" among teenagers, to an article from the San Francisco Chronicle.
SHOSHONA PASCOE shares her impressions about food and eating struggles referring to Geneen Roth's book "When Food is Love, Feeding the Hungry Heart", and her newest one "Women Food and God".
Winter/Spring 2010
MILTON WOOLLEY describes how to mine the gold locked in our psychological shadow.
KEVIN COOPER discusses how recognizing and grieving the losses of our lives enhance our emotional health.
GUDRUN ZOMERLAND explores the origins of shame and the necessity of shame as an attempt to take care of the Self.
SHONNIE BROWN explores the phenomenon of healthy and unhealthy narcissism on Facebook.
SHOSHONA PASCOE shares a poem entitled "The Layers" by Stanley Kunitz and reflects on poetry and psychotherapy's shared intention.
Summer 2009
Gudrun Zomerland's article, "The Dangers of Internet Porn", explores the obvious and hidden dangers of this new phenomenon.
Shonnie Brown discusses "Recession Depression: What it is and How it Affects You".
Barbara Bowen, in "The Power of Intention", encourages speaking from the heart, even when you don't know exactly what you want to say.
Shoshona Pascoe speaks about her work with the Drug Abuse Alternatives Center's Perinatal Program in "Working With Pregnant and Parenting Women in Recovery".
Winter 2009
Kevin Cooper's article, "Intimate Relationships -- Vehicles for Healing," explores using the conflicts that arise in our intimate relationships as opportunities for growth both individually and as a couple.
Shoshona Pascoe offers a poem by Rumi that encourages us to open with acceptance to each and every part of our experience; sometimes what we run from and push away brings unexpected gifts.
Milton Woolley shares "A Day in Family Law Court": a discussion of how the fear of intimacy manifests in separation and divorce.
Gudrun Zomerland reviews the book "Non-Violent Communication" by Marshall Rosenberg and its particular significance for codependents in their struggle to get heard.
Shonnie Brown discusses individual healing work as well as the resistance of group members in Part 2 of "Healing and Recovery in a Divorce Support Group."
Spring/Summer 2008
Gudrun Zomerland lists on-line resources about prescription drug abuse.
Shonnie Brown discusses writing as a safe tool for uncovering years of repressed trauma.
Kevin Cooper explores the role of forgiveness in healing based on the work of Dr. Fred Luskin.
Shoshona Pascoe writes about pre-marital counseling and supporting deepening bonds.
Barbara Bowen shares the new website for the Collaborative Practice Center.
Milton Woolley shares thoughts regarding May Sarton's poem, "Now I Become Myself".
Winter 2008
Shoshona Pascoe's article on "Kindness" considers the powerful support for change a kind attitude of inquiry can be.
Gudrun Zomerland explains the dynamic between narcissistic parents and their children in her current article.
Shonnie Brown's article "Divorce and Attachment Issues", describes a range of divorcing clients' responses to the loss of their "secure base".
Barbara Bowen offers a review of "We'd Have a Great Relationship if it Weren't For You: Regaining Love and Intimacy" by Bruce Derman, Ph.D.
Fall 2007
Gudrun Zomerland's article on "Attachment in Adult Relationships" shows how useful it is to know our attachment styles in understanding our relationships.
Shonnie Brown's "Adult Daughters and Their Mothers" includes client examples of adult daughters of narcissistic and abandoning mothers.
Milton Woolley shares a personal experience about his adult son embarking on his Heroes' Journey and talks about the parent experience of letting go.
Shoshona Pascoe's article on "Communication" describes how deeply self-expression and listening affects relationships, using the Nonviolent Communication model as a helpful tool.
Summer 2007
Shonnie Brown outlines five co-parenting interventions from Dr. Richard A. Warshak's book "Divorce Poison: Protecting the Parent/Child Bond From a Vindictive Ex" .
Shoshona Pascoe discusses how our natural needs for connection are often preempted by secondary emotions.
Gudrun Zomerland offers a poem by Rainer Maria Rilke as a reminder to live life feeling unfinished, as a work in progress.
March - May 2007
Kevin Cooper reviews "Happiness -- A Guide to Developing Life's Most Important Skill" by Matthieu Ricard
Gudrun Zomerland compares Alice Miller's "The Body Never Lies" and Dr. Barry Grosskopf's "Hidden in Plain Sight"
Shoshona Pascoe writes about letting go of our children and being attentive to the grief, emerging challenges and gifts
Shonnie Brown tells us how therapeutic writing exercises are used in the treatment of trauma, abuse, depression and anxiety
Barbara Bowen on using the collaborative practice model to resolve family disputes regarding wills and estate planning
Milton Woolley challenges our intellect by comparing friction theory in physics to resistance in therapy, both being necessary for growth
Dec 2006 - Jan 2007
"Holiday Links for Divorce and Co-Parenting"
Shoshona Pascoe's "DEPRESSION: Self-Care and the Winter Season"
Gudrun Zomerland's "The Family Member in Denial"
Shonnie Brown's "The Affair: Its Effect on Children and the Co-Parenting Relationship"
Milton Woolley's "Calling or Security, Vision or Golden Handcuffs"
Sept-Oct 2006
Meet Milton Woolley, Chinn Street Counseling's newest therapist
Kevin Cooper reviews Geshe Michael Roach's "The Diamond Cutter"
Shoshona Pascoe's "Emotional Intelligence: Coaching Our Children, Coaching Ourselves"
Gudrun Zomerland's "The Core of Co-Dependency"
Shonnie Brown on LifeStory Therapy and How is it Used
Barbara Bowen's "Balancing the Needs of Self and Others"
July-August 2006
Barbara Bowen on helping children through separation and divorce
Kevin Cooper on the fear of being big
Shoshona Pascoe reviews "Perfect Love Imperfect Relationships"
Gudrun Zomerland on H.A.L.T, a practical tool for everyday living
Shonnie Brown's websites and books about coping with infidelity
April-May 2006
Barbara Bowen on how Collaborative Professionals ease the divorce process
Shonnie Brown describes the benefits of being wrong
Kevin Cooper on moving toward self-compassion
Tom Hurley contemplates Alfred Adler
Shoshona Pascoe on Yoga as a compliment to psychotherapy
Gudrun Zomerland's book review on healthy weight management
Chinn Street Groups:
Separation/Divorce/Transition Group for Women: ongoing weekly support group for women in any stage of separation from a long term relationship. Facilitated by Shonnie Brown, M.A., MFT
Co-Parent Empowerment Group: six week class focusing on shared parenting issues: managing and diffusing anger, de-escalation of conflict and effective communication skills. Facilitated by Shonnie
Brown, M.A., MFT
Ongoing Men's Support Group: open to men interested in working on recurrent relationship issues including anger, addiction, communication and parenting. Meets Tuesdays from 6-7:30 PM. Facilitated by Kevin Cooper, MFT
Recovery Support Group for Women: for women who are currently active members of a 12-Step fellowship and who want additional support in dealing with the many issues that can emerge when recovering from addictive patterns in life. Ongoing, Monday evenings 6-7:30PM. Facilitated by Gudrun Zomerland, MFT
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