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April - May 2006  
In This Issue:

Barbara Bowen on how Collaborative Professionals ease the divorce process

Shonnie Brown describes the benefits of being wrong

Kevin Cooper on moving toward self-compassion

Tom Hurley contemplates Alfred Adler

Shoshona Pascoe on Yoga as a compliment to psychotherapy

Gudrun Zomerland's book review on healthy weight management

Who We Are:

We are a diverse group of experienced psychotherapists, each in private practice with offices at Chinn Street Counseling Center. We offer a full range of high quality services to people who want support for life's challenges. Our clients can choose from brief solution focused counseling or in depth psychotherapy. While we cooperate with existing insurance and managed care companies, our "fee for service" orientation allows our clients the freedom to choose the therapist with whom they feel most comfortable.

For more information, visit

Links to Other Resources:
List of 12-Step Fellowships

Collaborative Practice: A New Option for Divorce
Barbara Bowen, LCSW

Collaborative Practice is a way to resolve disputes in a fair and respectful manner, without going to court. In Collaborative Practice, the goal is to reach a mutually agreeable settlement that takes into consideration the needs and interests of each party. People who are divorcing can now retain Collaborative Professionals to help them reach agreements that settle the issues in ways that they both feel good about, rather than facing adversarial and expensive court battles over custody of children and financial settlements. Instead of increasing emotional stress and hostile feelings, Collaborative Practice provides an opportunity for divorcing couples to navigate the breakup of their marriage with respect and lays the groundwork to maintain a respectful relationship after the issues are resolved.

The Power in Being Wrong
Shonnie Brown, M.A., MFT

It is a misapprehension that admitting a mistake makes one weak. For it is the big person who admits he is wrong. Not only does he gain in esteem, but he diffuses conflict and reaches agreements with others. A bully does not make friends, is never a hero. A hero listens to others' differences and reaches compromise through negotiation, thereby retaining connection and building bridges.

Judgment vs. Compassion
Kevin Cooper, MFT

As human beings we cannot avoid suffering, but we do have a choice about how we respond to that experience. Unfortunately, most of us tend to respond to emotional distress with self-judgment. We condemn or criticize ourselves for our feelings, rather than feeling empathy for our circumstance. Our feelings become something to be avoided (denial) rather than listened to and understood. When our response is self-judgment, our hearts harden, our capacity for growth and insight constricts, and we are often flooded with feelings of depression, anxiety, and hopelessness. Self-judgment arises from an over-identification with our ego, it is a harsh and demanding response, and it often engenders feelings of shame and self-doubt.

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"Life-style" Analysis
Thomas J. Hurley, MFT

In the beginning Freud, Jung, and Adler sought to create the "science of the soul"--psychology. While Jung almost immediately went off in a direction uniquely his own, Freud and Adler remained colleagues for many years.

Yoga and Inner Work
Shoshona Pascoe, MFT

Yoga practice can be a supportive aid to psychotherapy by increasing awareness of feelings in the body; that experience complements our thinking function. The intense pace of life for many people requires some intent to find balance in the midst of demands on our time and attention. Opening to the body as a vehicle of self-awareness supports physical well-being and emotional balance as well as a deepening connection to ourselves and to our world.

12-Step Fellowships
collected by
Gudrun Zomerland, MFT
AA (Alcoholics Anonymous)

AlAnon (for AA family members)

CoDA (Codependence)

NA (Narcotics Anonymous)

MA (Marijuana Anonymous)
  DA (Debtors Anonymous)

Nicotine Anonymous

OA (Overeaters Anonymous)

EA (Emotions Anonymous)

ISA (Incest Survivors Anonymous)
To start a meeting, contact (562) 428-5599;
P.O. Box 17245, Long Beach, CA 90807
no meetings currently in Northern CA
If you have questions about 12-Step Fellowships or want to discuss Chemical Dependency counseling, contact Tom Hurley, MFT or Gudrun Zomerland, MFT.

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Recommended Reading:

reviewed by
Gudrun Zomerland, MFT
    Stop Gaining Weight
    I came across this book at a workshop on aging and thought it useful for most people, not only those with real or perceived weight problems. Dr. Pawlak offers a thorough analysis of the evolution of human survival methods, body chemistry, why dieting doesn't work, and suggestions of what does work. She also makes it clear that almost everything she is describing does not apply to food alone but to other possible addictions.
recommended by Shonnie Brown, MA, MFT
    Getting Up, Getting Over, Getting On: A Twelve Step Guide to Divorce
    Reviewer: "Micki McWade succintly captures the 12 step philosophy while providing a practical yet spiritual path to recovery for those going through divorce."

Chinn Street Groups:

Separation/Divorce/Transition Group for Women: ongoing weekly support group for women in any stage of separation from a long term relationship. Facilitated by
Shonnie Brown, M.A., MFT

Co-Parent Empowerment Group: six week class focusing on shared parenting issues: managing and diffusing anger, de-escalation of conflict and effective communication skills. Facilitated by Shonnie Brown, M.A., MFT

Ongoing Men's Support Group: open to men interested in working on recurrent relationship issues including anger, addiction, communication and parenting. Meets Tuesdays from 6-7:30 PM. Facilitated by Kevin Cooper, MFT

Recovery Support Group for Men: for men who want to work successfully at relapse prevention, recognize self-defeating behaviors that reemerge despite working the "program" and more. Ongoing, Wednesday evenings 6-7:30 PM. Facilitated by Thomas J. Hurley, MFT

Recovery Support Group for Women: for women who are currently active members of a 12-Step fellowship and who want additional support in dealing with the many issues that can emerge when recovering from addictive patterns in life. Ongoing, Monday evenings 6-7:30PM. Facilitated by Gudrun Zomerland, MFT

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Chinn Street Counseling Center  •  405 Chinn Street  •  Santa Rosa, CA 95404
Barbara Bowen, L.C.S.W.
707-575-5300 / 925-934-8661

Shonnie Brown, M.A., M.F.T.

Kevin Cooper, M.F.T.
Thomas Hurley, M.F.T.

Shoshona Pascoe, M.F.T.

Gudrun Zomerland, M.F.T.
707-575-8468 / 415-446-5532
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