Only the Shadow Knows
Milton Woolley, MFT
"We take our spiritual/psychological shadow with us wherever we go. No matter how hard we may try we cannot outrun it or hide from it. As long as there is light from our consciousness, it is present. Actually, one's shadow is a vast resource of power, joy and energy hiding in the shadows of our lives, often in plain sight. We miss seeing this resource because it is masked by our self judgment, our critical attitudes toward self and others, and our self denial." Read more...
Grief and Loss
Kevin Cooper, MFT
"Our emotional health is enhanced when we recognize the losses of our lives and take the time to grieve them. Unfortunately many people don't understand grief and therefore try to avoid or short cut this painful but necessary process. Common psychological symptoms like depression, anxiety and anger are often coping mechanisms for dealing with unrecognized and unresolved grief." Read more...
Shame as Self-Care
Gudrun Zomerland, MFT
"The implication of this title is an odd and seemingly unbridgeable contradiction. I recently heard the phrase at a professional workshop given by a Jungian analyst. I don't know who originated it; otherwise I would gladly attribute it to the owner. I say "gladly", because the phrase has given me plenty to think about." Read more...
Facebook: Healthy or Unhealthy Narcissism?
Shonnie Brown, MFT
"Facebook is undoubtedly an interesting phenomenon for a psychotherapist's exploration. And I admit to being on Facebook. I've read accounts of many users' attraction and subsequent revulsion to online social networking. And I certainly feel my own ambivalence. It may be worthwhile to ask yourself what your intention is on Facebook. Is your Facebook persona congruent with the self that you feel yourself to be? What do your Facebook habits tell you about your self-esteem or lack thereof?" Read more...
Living in the Layers
Shoshona Pascoe, MFT
"Poetry and psychotherapy share an intention to deepen into the essentials. When a poem captures something for me, I feel, as I did when I first heard this poem, a resonance in the body. I sensed a settling and an alertness at the same time: pay attention! Simple words, chosen with care, placed beside one another forming something powerful and tender. This poet was also a gardener and his poem evokes for me the beauty of a complex living system." Read more...
Chinn Street Groups:
Separation/Divorce/Transition Group for Women: ongoing weekly support group for women in any stage of separation from a long term relationship. Facilitated by Shonnie
Brown, M.A., MFT, 707-526-4353.
Co-Parent Empowerment Group: six week class focusing on shared parenting issues: managing and diffusing anger, de-escalation of conflict and effective communication skills. Facilitated by Shonnie
Brown, M.A., MFT, 707-526-4353.
Ongoing Men's Support Group: open to men interested in working on recurrent relationship issues including anger, addiction, communication and parenting. Meets Tuesdays from 6-7:30 PM. Facilitated by Kevin Cooper, MFT; 707-566-7742.
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