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Spring/Summer 2010  
In This Issue:

SHONNIE BROWN writes about the power and relevancy of a support group for women going through separation or the break-up of a long term relationship.

GUNDRUN ZOMERLAND is providing a list of web links to addiction self assessment tests for various substance and process addictions. She is also referring parents who are interested in the phenomenon of "Pill Parties" among teenagers, to an article from the San Francisco Chronicle.

SHOSHONA PASCOE shares her impressions about food and eating struggles referring to Geneen Roth's book "When Food is Love, Feeding the Hungry Heart", and her newest one "Women Food and God".
Who We Are:

We are individual private therapists who practice psychotherapy in the same location: 405 Chinn Street in Santa Rosa. We are not part of a business partnership, group or association, but are sole practitioners. As individual therapists each of us offers years of experience in different areas of therapeutic focus. The array of services offered range from brief solution focused counseling to in-depth psychotherapy. While each one of us cooperates with different existing insurance and managed care companies, we each follow a "fee for service" orientation that allows clients the freedom to choose the therapist with whom they feel most comfortable.

For more information, visit

Chinn Street Newsletter Archives

The Role of Support Groups in Divorce Recovery
Shonnie Brown, MFT

The family structure in our culture has changed dramatically in the past few decades and our ideal of the "nuclear" family living together in one home is no longer a reality for most people. In California 60% of marriages now end in divorce; 50% nationwide. Five million women raise children alone with greatly reduced income. One million children are affected by divorce each year. Although divorce is extremely common, when it's your divorce, you are likely to feel isolated and stigmatized. This major life loss greatly affects people emotionally and financially, with radical changes in lifestyle and sense of identity. When property settlements and children are involved, the emotional stakes are higher and the issues are particularly charged. Divorce is rarely an easy transition for anyone.

"Am I Addicted?" - Test Yourself
Gudrun Zomerland, MFT

Because I think self-tests for any kind of addiction can be very helpful in determining whether you or a loved one has a problem, I have researched the internet to find some to include on my webpage. I focused my search on tests that were not linked to any specific treatment facility.

Teenage "Pill Parties" Alert
Are you a parent of a teenager and have concerns about his or her behavior regarding prescription pills? The San Francisco Chronicle in March of this year published an - what I thought - informative article about the most recent trend of "Pill Parties". Here's the article.

FOOD: Pleasure or Pain?
Using this Essential Need To Live Well

Shoshona Pascoe, MFT

Food is not an easy topic! The cultivation of well-being or alleviation of distress are the motivations for the articles in these newsletters. Food, and our relationship to it, is easily found along this continuum between well-being and distress. The taking in of life sustaining food is not a simple matter for many of us. Expectations of cultural norms and using food to cope with stress and uncomfortable inner experience, complicate the reason and the way we eat. When we lose contact with our inner sense of healthy hunger, dangerous health risks may be the result.

Chinn Street Groups:

Separation/Divorce/Transition Group for Women: ongoing weekly support group for women in any stage of separation from a long term relationship. Facilitated by Shonnie Brown, M.A., MFT, 707-526-4353.

Co-Parent Empowerment Group: six week class focusing on shared parenting issues: managing and diffusing anger, de-escalation of conflict and effective communication skills. Facilitated by Shonnie Brown, M.A., MFT, 707-526-4353.

Ongoing Men's Support Group: open to men interested in working on recurrent relationship issues including anger, addiction, communication and parenting. Meets Tuesdays from 6-7:30 PM. Facilitated by Kevin Cooper, MFT; 707-566-7742.

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Chinn Street Counseling Center  •  405 Chinn Street  •  Santa Rosa, CA 95404
Barbara Bowen, L.C.S.W.
707-575-5300 / 925-934-8661

Shonnie Brown, M.A., M.F.T.

Kevin Cooper, M.F.T.

Shoshona Pascoe, M.F.T.

Milton Woolley, M.F.T.

Gudrun Zomerland, M.F.T.
707-575-8468 / 415-446-5532

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