About Me:
I can trace my interest in psychotherapy to when I was fifteen years old; I wanted to find a
way to live that respected not only the outer world and its demands but valued what arose from
deep within a person's inner life. My experience of feeling that authentic place in the presence
of another's witness, to be seen and heard without judgment or condition, have been the basis for
my own growth and development. My roles as daughter, sister, partner, mother and friend have
humbled me and brought incredible joy to my life. I have a deep trust in the impulse toward growth
and the capacity of the human being to find balance in the midst of change.
My private practice office is located in Santa Rosa at 405 Chinn Street where I offer couples
therapy, pre-marital counseling, individual therapy and family work. I see children and support
parents in developing their parenting skills. My clinical experience includes working with life
passages including grief work, divorce, and the empty nesting process as well as the transition
from couple to family when a baby is born.
My orientation in therapy:
I view therapy as an invitation to pause from our habitual ways of being so we may
explore the restrictions, whether individually or in relationship, that keep us from engaging in
life in a more satisfying way. I believe we have many ways of knowing including the mental
processes, the emotional body, as well as a body-centered, somatic intuition and experience which
each offer us their wisdom and direction. Mindfulness practice is a valuable adjunct to
Training & Experience:
- BA cum laude, State University of N.Y. at Buffalo
- MA in Counseling Psychology, California Institute of Integral Studies
- Ecumenical Community Service of Marin: 4 yrs, community counseling clinic
- Lomi Community Clinic: 4 yrs, psychotherapy based on a somatic approach
- Elementary and Middle School counselor: 10 yrs, individual and group counseling
- Private practice psychotherapy: 12 yrs, including individual, couples, children and
Adjunct training:
- James Bugental, Phd.: The Art of the Psychotherapist
- Integrated Body Psychotherapy
- Mindfulness Meditation
Of Special Interest to Me:
- Pre-marital counseling
- Supporting couple's growth
- Parenting Support
- Grief and Loss Work
- Separation and Divorce
- Empty Nesting
- Becoming a Family
- Mindfulness Meditation
- Interface of Psychological and Spiritual Growth
Professional Affiliations:
- CAMFT (California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists)