Emotional Intelligence:
Coaching Our Children, Coaching Ourselves
Shoshona Pascoe, MFT
The ability to skillfully navigate the world of social skills and emotional
understanding is a work in progress for most of us. Emotional Intelligence is a phrase that
endeavors to enlarge the concept of valuable human traits and capacities. It is an IQ about people
and the world of feelings. How can we as parents build on our children's innate orientation to the
emotional world? What is intriguing to me is that research shows Emotional Intelligence to be a
better indicator of success in life in a broad way as well as experiencing greater contentment. In
today's world where learning in every way has been transformed by technology and social changes,
there is a need to more consciously impart a skill reservoir to our children around emotional
Being an emotional coach is based upon recognizing challenging emotional states in our children as
opportunities. This idea is based upon the model in John Gottman's book Raising an Emotionally
Intelligent Child; a book I recommend often to parents. When difficult emotional states, such
as fear, sadness, and anger arise in our children, the impulse is often to try and change it
immediately. And the desire to soothe, reassure, or set limits is important. The emotion coaching
piece I find very useful adds an important first step: being with the emotion, though difficult,
before trying to alter it and help. This being with feelings can be a close moment where the child
feels seen and understood and becomes more open to our guidance. Here are the steps of Gottman's
emotion coaching model:
- Be aware of the feeling
- Recognize it as an opportunity for intimacy and teaching
- Listen with empathy, validating feelings
- Help the child be with their experience; help them find words
- Set limits and help them strategize
The ability to be with our children in hard emotional states is directly related
to our own ease with our fear, sadness, and anger. So as is often the case, as we mentor our
children we grow and develop too. Helping our children develop wisdom and skill around emotional
experience increases their ability to cope with anxiety, depression, loneliness, or bullying. Lack
of impulse control, moody withdrawal, and dealing with the ups and downs of life all have core
feelings at their base. The cultivation of Emotional Intelligence invites an integration between
our vulnerable feeling self and our relatedness to others. Coaching deep interest and patient
inquiry we model for our children a way to self-soothe in difficult times paired with an empowered
way to be authentic in the world with others.
You'll find Raising an Emotionally Intelligent Child at Amazon.com. Learn more about John
Gottman at http://www.gottman.com.